Do you care if copies of your keys are made without your permission? Click here to learn more.

If you hand out keys…….

We talk to business managers and owners everyday who believe something very dangerous. It is thought that if someone (employee, service provider, etc.) hands a key back in that no copies exist. Nothing can be further from the truth. Most folks don’t want to believe that someone would use a key in a criminal way. Reality is that this scenario is a low probability but high impact event.
Keys can be copied in a variety of ways and used to come back to gain entry at a business.
Stamping “Do Not Duplicate” on a key means nothing. There are no laws or regulations to prevent duplication and the stamp can be covered in around a dozen ways. Standard keys can and will be copied when the blanks are available.
Did you know that someone can get a copy of your standard business of home key just by taking a picture of it with a phone? Patented restricted keys are the answer. They can not be copied without your permission. See the WHSV news story here: WHSV Key Story
If this is something that concerns you we have the answers. Give us call now to quickly and easily address this primary business security issue.